Flight Test Training for Aerospace Professionals
Practical Courses from Experienced Practitioners
Daedalus Aerospace provides training and tools for aerospace professionals, with on-demand courses in flight test planning/execution, risk management, and data analytics. Our courses communicate the same concepts taught at accredited test pilot schools and used by leading flight test centers. Learn the principles, tools and processes used by flight test professionals, without the travel and high cost of in-person training. Few have opportunity to attend a test pilot school, but you and your team can benefit from the same knowledge.
Whether you are working on evolutionary or revolutionary ideas, you need proven methods for successful aerospace product development. These processes contributed to engineering the aircraft and satellites of today, and are equally useful for emergent concepts such as airborne autonomy, electric propulsion, hypersonic flight, urban air mobility, and drone delivery.
Daedalus Aerospace courses provide essential training for aerospace product teams.
Daedalus Aerospace is proud to provide training to these leading organizations.
This course teaches fundamentals to plan/execute/analyze/report on a flight test program. Includes test planning, risk identification/management, test conduct, data analysis, and technical reporting, along with real-world flight test examples.
Test cards are systematic work instructions for test pilots/flight test engineers, with steps and procedures to gain required test data. This course teaches design of test cards, shows common errors, lists best practices, and includes free templates.
Elevate your knowledge of aerospace medicine with essential safety training! Learn the flight effects on human body systems: upper atmospherics, pressurization/rapid decompression, noise exposure, oxygen systems, and aircrew performance optimization.
System engineering applied to flight test, via scientific method (predict-test-validate) and systems theory (abstraction/modeling). Includes problem decomposition, requirement traceability, test planning, risk identification, and resourcing.
This course teaches electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing of aircraft avionics and electrical systems, with a physics-based approach to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Includes techniques, tools, and an example of a Starlink antenna STC.
This course teaches fundamentals of aerospace telemetry ground stations. Topics include data formats, hardware components, autotracking antenna, mission planning factors, data recording/distribution/simulation, and system calibration.
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Meet the world-class experts teaching our on-demand courses:
Daedalus Aerospace courses provide best practices, lessons learned, and professional strategies for flight test. Our course content is closely aligned with and based on the flight test methods used by the US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, FAA Aircraft Certification, and many other professional flight test operations. These proven best practices improve safety, data security, effectiveness, and efficiency.
Although it's not possible to prove the "accident that never occurred", analysis of recent aerospace programs shows that product teams and businesses using professional flight test methods are over twice as likely to result in a successful product, and deliver their product to users in one third the time, compared to competing product teams.
Absolutely. Flight test adds value long before the prototype vehicle is built, since it incorporates system engineering and risk management principles that prevent redesign, rework, and regret. Reinventing wheels takes a lot of time. Teams that include the flight test perspective are more efficient, with a better track record for success.
Daedalus Aerospace courses are taught by career flight test professionals, including graduates and former on-staff instructors from the US Air Force Test Pilot School.
Flight test principles are proven to significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of development for space systems. These benefits include space systems undergoing test prior to launch, as well as structuring validation and operational tests for on-orbit deployed systems.